04 Feb 2021

We asked our team “what makes INSHUR a great workplace?”

Illustration of a woman seated on a blue sofa and working on her laptop, surrounded by books, house plants, and her pet cat

Written by Flick West

At INSHUR, we are committed to creating a workplace that is stimulating and friendly with countless opportunities for growth and plenty of autonomy. We’re excited to be hiring across all departments in 2021 and, with our hiring pool growing this year, there’s never been a better time to join us for the ride! Head over to our Careers page where you can find all the details about the latest job openings.

Here are 15 reasons why our team loves working with us, in their own words.

Continuous opportunities for learning


Dan Hunter (Tech Ops Specialist) says:

“INSHUR has allowed me to grow my knowledge of technical systems without a limit. Being a startup, we are always changing, learning and adapting, which has meant that every day can be different. The tech we have used one week could be trumped by something new and better the next week. I’ve been given so much freedom to explore both the tech we use and the tech we could use that I am constantly learning – and with our training allowance, I’ve been able to get books and online resources/courses to learn more without needing to wait months for funding approvals.”

Transparent leadership


Ola Ajayi (Business Analyst) says:

“June 2019 marked a turning point in my entire career when I joined INSHUR as a Business Analyst. I had never worked in an organisation where the management is as transparent, knowledgeable, ambitious, resilient and compassionate as at INSHUR. I am valued, supported, given wings to fly and even encouraged to develop other relevant skills. There are no limits to what you can achieve; there is a level playing field for all to make a visible impact. I am really happy to be a part of this ingenious family.”

Innovation without limitation


Wayne Thomas (Insurance Product Manager) says:

“Coming from an insurance background and having underwriting experience in companies that have been established for years, I always find it interesting to see how new age technology sits within an old age industry. Equally, being part of something that is innovative and destined to change the landscape of insurance is exciting, particularly as there are no limitations to where we can go!”


Opportunities for career growth


Flick West (People Experience Coordinator) says:

“Since joining INSHUR is January 2020, I have been really impressed by the number of opportunities I have been given to help develop my role. From day dot, my manager has always supported my ambitions and enabled me to take ownership in shaping my own career direction. My team have supported my passion for mental health and wellbeing in the workplace and have enabled me to take ownership in this area and implement policies and procedures to help drive this topic forward. I am looking forward to seeing what my future holds at INSHUR!”

One big family 


Pietro Zuco (Python Developer) says:

“I’ve been working as a software developer at INSHUR since 2018, first working as an iOS developer and now a Python developer. Here I found a very friendly and professional environment. I feel continuously supported by the company, my co-workers and managers – not only to get the job done, but also to better my career. I’ve been enabled to never stop learning and I’ve greatly increased my experience and knowledge since I joined. Working at INSHUR feels like being part of a caring family.”

Great work-life balance


Bojana Ninkov (People Operations Partner) says:

“I joined INSHUR about 1 year ago and I can genuinely say my life has transformed. From gaining autonomy in my role, to being trusted to balance my personal and work life in a healthy way, and everything in between – joining this team has been the best decision of my career. I’ve read about companies like INSHUR before, I just never got a chance to see it with my own eyes. What stood out to me the most was how the leadership team handled the pandemic. Putting the wellbeing of its team members ahead of anything else is truly admirable. Being given the flexibility of creating a schedule that works best for each person and the heavy emphasis on wellbeing and work/life balance not only creates a great work environment, but it also motivates the team to deliver high quality work.”

Flexible working for all


Kerry Williams (Performance Marketing Senior Specialist) says:

“INSHUR has provided great flexibility in my work schedule so that I can have family time. I have asense of freedom in my work where INSHUR have faith in me and my skills to deliver great work. Everyone I’ve met and worked with at INSHUR is extremely nice and friendly – I’m not scared to talk to anyone! Despite starting working for INSHUR at the beginning of the pandemic, the staff made me feel welcome and made sure I had everything I needed to do my job.”

Commitment to promoting good mental health and wellbeing


Joanna Ansett (Driver Support Associate) says:

“One of the many reasons I love working for INSHUR is the support and care around mental wellbeing and health. INSHUR is very caring, supportive and uplifting to all employees when it comes to mental and physical wellbeing. From supplying healthy snacks, lunches and juice shots when we’re in the office, to meditation sessions, free yoga and workout sessions. The company really cares and values all of the INSHUR team and our happiness!"

Open to change 


Thomas Melvin (Data Scientist) says:

“Since I joined in May 2020 I have been excited to be part of a company that is so open to change. In my role as a Data Scientist it is important that a company allows for innovation and exploration and Inshur has allowed me to do this and thrive. We have gone from having one statistical model used within my team, to having several that provide insights and recommendations to various areas of the business. Adapting to this in such a short space of time is only possible at a company that embraces change and where colleagues are always willing to grow and learn.”

Good relationship building opportunities


Catherine Perez (Driver Support Associate) says:

“INSHUR is a company that is devoted to its employees both personally and professionally. It embraces groups of people with diverse backgrounds, skills and knowledge bases to encourage inclusivity. I personally love the relationship building that is encouraged through INSHUR’s buddy program and group activities that connect us as much more than just colleagues."

Company values are crucial


John Newman (Head of Delivery, Engineering) says:

“Lots of companies have values, but INSHUR is one of those rare ones that really tries to live by them and it cares about its staff and their wellbeing. The projects and tech used are highly interesting, enough so for me to switch from contracting to perm and be very happy about doing so. As a (now ex) contractor, it’s about the highest praise I can give."

Ability to help shape the company’s direction


Karen Ferrera (No Fault Claim Specialist) says:

“The major benefit to working at INSHUR is that you get your foot in the door early and have the ability to shape and develop the growth and direction of the company. You help develop the workflows and you get to have a real understanding of the ins and outs of the company. You also work with the management team and people in other departments you would not normally interact with and you have the ability to adapt to changes and have a huge impact on the shape of the company. It’s a great opportunity for anyone!”

Diverse and inclusive


Steve Roberts (Developer) says:

“I have been working at INSHUR for over 3 years and the proactiveness of promoting D&I in the workplace has been immense. There is an attitude that diversity makes for a stronger company and that learning about D&I makes for stronger individuals. We have had a number of very well presented and enjoyable learning sessions regarding D&I which have made me aware that although I am open to all persons, there is still more I can do to understand how to best interact with others.”

Always learning from teammates


Josephine Adams (Claims Specialist) says:

“INSHUR is a company where all the employees work together and deliver their duties with responsibility. Everyone benefits and tries to learn from one another. This is a company that strongly encourages thinking outside the box and always welcomes new ideas.”

Reinventing the insurtech industry


Chris Gray (CTO) says:

“What we are doing is game changing. I’ve worked on 50+ projects in the public and private sector over the years labelled as “disruptive” and they haven’t come close to what we are doing. We’re reinventing a thousands year-old industry to work how it should do and we have total freedom to deliver the absolute best platform with a brilliant team. I’ve never worked anywhere with such passion and laser focus on changing our customer’s lives for the better.

Written by Flick West (People Experience Coordinator)