Written by Louise Zenasni - Senior Engineer
Technology is a fast-paced, ever-evolving industry where mentorship often goes underappreciated and sidelined. With the constant pressures of project deadlines, supporting new product launches and learning new technologies, it can often be difficult to find the time. Despite these demands, mentorship remains incredibly important; not only for the mentee but for both the mentor and company alike.
In this article, I will describe why mentorship is so important, the tangible benefits and how we can incorporate it into our busy work schedules. I will also share my own experiences of being both a mentee and mentor in the Technology industry with insights into how an organisation can work towards improving their support of mentorship programs.
What is Mentorship and Why it Matters
We rise by lifting others - Robert Ingersoll
Mentorship can be described as a mutually beneficial relationship in which the professional development or growth of another is fostered through advice, feedback, sharing experiences and trust. This relationship usually happens outside of the usual manager/subordinate structure. It’s a way to nurture the next generation of associates; giving them the confidence to navigate the journey that awaits them, while accelerating learning and development.
That's mentorship in a nutshell—but its impact extends far beyond, reaching wider and deeper than we often realise. Many successful leaders have had mentors who have helped to shape their career and leadership styles. For example, Steve Jobs mentored Mark Zuckerberg during a rough patch in Facebook’s early days. And in Ancient Greece, Socrates mentored Plato who became one of the most influential philosophers in history. Plato then passed the torch to Aristotle, continuing the legacy of critical analysis and philosophical questioning that helped shape Western thought for centuries.
In fact the statistics show that 87% of mentors and mentees feel empowered by their mentoring relationships and have developed greater confidence [Women Ahead]. Of those with a mentor, 97% say they are valuable [sage.com, 2017] and people with mentors are also happier at their current jobs than those without [Forbes].
Here are a few more key reasons why mentorship can be so vital in Technology:
- Knowledge Transfer Gaining insight and tapping into years of experience and expertise from senior engineers is worth its weight in gold. Gleaning nuggets of invaluable advice from experienced professionals trumps any textbook you can read. They say experience is the best teacher, and this is certainly true in Technology.
- Networking Opportunities Mentorship opens doors to connect with senior management, offering a chance to build relationships that may not have been easily accessible otherwise.
- Mental Health Regularly having someone to discuss challenges and issues can help to reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness.
Mentorship can be even more valuable for women and other minorities in the Technology industry and a strategic importance for any industry that strives for diversity. From a woman’s perspective, it can be a game-changer for them to enter, remain and thrive. The ‘confidence gap’ can commonly affect women where societal expectations and ingrained biases about STEM suitability can contribute to lack of confidence (but not competence). This is especially pronounced when you are underrepresented in a field such as Technology. Data from Anita Borg Institute found that women with mentors in the Tech industry were 77% more likely to still be working in tech after three years when compared to women without mentors.
As a woman who’s been working in technology for over a decade, I can say firsthand that having a mentor would’ve made a big difference in helping me navigate the unique challenges I faced. This was especially true in the early stages of my career, where being new to the field, a minority, and also dealing with unconscious biases had a clear impact on my confidence at the time. It is probably the main reason why I am so passionate about mentoring.
It would be easy to think that mentoring only benefits the mentee - after all, they’re the ones receiving all the guidance and advice, right? Well, it turns out that being a mentor could very well boost your career - Sun Microsystems compared approximately 1000 employees over a 5 year period and found that mentors were SIX times more likely to have been promoted and 28% more likely to receive a raise. Not to mention the feel-good factor of helping someone else achieve their dreams and the opportunity to improve on listening, communication and leadership skills.
And finally, let’s not forget the benefits of mentoring to a company. Studies have shown that mentorship programs have a positive impact on employee retention, innovation and productivity which can directly translate into financial benefits. A study by MentorcliQ found that companies with mentorship programs see profits that are 18% higher than average. In contrast, those without mentoring programs underperformed by 43% against the average. It’s no wonder that as of 2024, 98% of U.S. Fortune 500 companies have mentoring programs [mentorcliq].
Hopefully I’ve done a decent job of explaining why mentorship is so valuable for all participants. Drawing from my own journey as both a mentee and a mentor, I’ve identified some key qualities to help you make the most of what mentorship has to offer.
What Makes a Great Mentor
In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn - Phil Collins
A great mentor is someone who is fully invested in the process and has accumulated enough experience and knowledge in the field to help and give advice to others. They can dedicate a small amount of time each week and appreciate how mentorship is a mutually beneficial relationship. They are generous with their advice and celebrate their mentee’s achievements. Some other key qualities of a good mentor are:
- Good Listener encourages active/open communication and focuses on understanding a mentee’s thoughts and concerns.
- Approachable and Supportive creates a safe, non-judgemental environment where a mentee can feel comfortable sharing their challenges, hopes and aspirations.
- Provide opportunities shares their ideas and network; opens doors to new opportunities that can help the mentee grow.
- Trustworthy leads by example with their professionalism; can keep discussions confidential building trust in the relationship.
Being fully invested is critical. A mentor who takes on the role just to tick a few boxes lacks sincerity and brings little value to the relationship for everyone involved.
What Makes a Great Mentee
If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants - Isaac Newton
A great mentee is someone who fully leverages the opportunity by tapping into their mentor’s wealth of knowledge and expertise. They should be open to feedback and ask probing questions about their mentor’s career journey, insights and strategies for overcoming challenges. Preparation is key - coming prepared with questions, challenges or topics ensures the meeting remains productive and aligned with your goals. Some other key qualities of a good mentee are:
- Open-minded being open to feedback, suggestions and advice even if it challenges your way of thinking or takes you outside your comfort zone.
- Curious approach the mentoring relationship with curiosity and a desire to learn.
- Communicate express your thoughts clearly and come prepared with talking points you’d like to share and discuss.
- Apply what you learn act on advice and guidance you receive that resonates with you. This shows that you value the mentorship and are serious about your growth.
Mentorship needs to be a two-way street. If a mentee isn’t actively engaging by asking questions or making the most of the relationship, they won’t fully reap the benefits and rewards that mentorship can offer.
Practical Advice for Implementing Mentorship
With the vast benefits of mentoring and the countless studies carried out on the positive effects, it is no surprise that mentorship is growing in popularity. Mentorships ranked number 1 in the Top L&D areas in LinkedIn’s Learning Report 2023 [LinkedIn]. Most large Fortune 500 companies have mentoring programs, but what if you’re a start-up or small private business? These tips can help get you started.
Establish a well-organised program
Create and define a program with a set of goals that align with your company’s culture and values. Decide how the mentors and mentees will apply to the program. A fully opt-in process might be the best path to follow initially. Surveys can be invaluable at every stage of the process to monitor performance, measure success, and gauge interest and willingness to participate.
Match Mentors and Mentees
Think about how you would like to match mentors with mentees. The foundation of any successful mentoring program is the right match between individuals.
There are mentor matching applications that can help with building a successful registration and pairing plan, or you could choose to come up with your own matching algorithm, making use of recent advancements in AI. Conversely, you may opt to allow participants to choose their own pairing for a more personalised approach.
In my opinion, a flexible approach can be advantageous. Having participated in a mentorship program where the matches were predetermined, I observed that the pairings quickly lost momentum and failed to create any long lasting impact (including a few of my own pairings!). The program also needs to take into consideration the natural behavioural patterns that occur between people and recognise that not all pairings will be successful, and that is OK. Measuring outcomes during the entire process will be crucial to monitoring success.
Provide Training
Provide training for mentors and mentees to help them achieve the most out of the program. Offer help, advice and cover topics that would facilitate the fostering of mutually beneficial relationships and to ensure pairings get off to a good start. This could include information on effective communication, goal setting and managing expectations.
Mentoring Remotely
With many companies moving toward remote or hybrid work, this trend is likely here to stay. While face-to-face interactions have their obvious benefits, remote mentoring also comes with its distinct advantages. Research shows that virtual mentoring can actually feel more equal - status cues like rank, physical presence, or even clothing fade when everyone’s just a face on a screen . This helps break down social barriers, making meetings feel more informal and relaxed.
I found virtual settings do indeed foster a more relaxed atmosphere, improving conversation flow. Undoubtedly, you do miss out on those casual water cooler discussions - in this case a hybrid model could bridge the gap. Remote mentoring may demand a more deliberate effort in fostering a sense of psychological safety, since body language cues are less noticeable. However, much like work itself, mentoring isn’t about the method - but the results it delivers. All of which can be achieved in a virtual space.
Looking Ahead
At INSHUR, we’ve experienced firsthand how powerful informal mentorship can be, with many of our team members growing professionally through shared experiences, advice and support. Recognising this value, we’re currently in the process of formalising a structured mentorship program that will help us to unlock even greater potential. Stay tuned for a follow on article where we’ll share more about the steps we’ve taken and what we’ve learnt along the way.
If there’s a takeaway I would like to instil in the reader it’s this: whether in-person or virtual, mentorship is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth with proven tangible benefits for everyone involved. It drives innovation, improves productivity and shapes a stronger, more connected workforce.