
New Insurance Partnership between Bolt and INSHUR 🤝 - Inshur

Written by Victoria Wilson | Oct 25, 2022 1:09:00 PM

As you know, insuring taxis is becoming more expensive and complicated. Insurance premium is now listed in the top 3 fixed costs for taxi drivers. A taxi insurance these days can cost several hundred euros up to a thousand euros per month.

That is why Bolt has joined forces with INSHUR. Drivers using the Bolt app can now insure their taxi with INSHUR in a digital, simple and fast way at a fair price.

Lars Speekenbrink, Bolt Netherlands’ Country Manager: “With this partnership we want to provide fair and easy commercial insurance to taxi drivers working via the Bolt app. I am very excited and look forward to a long and fruitful relationship. But most importantly; lower costs for taxi drivers!”

Anna-Maria van Leeuwen, INSHUR’s Head of Netherlands Insurance Operations said about this partnership: “INSHUR has always believed that by aligning the insurance product and journey with the on-demand economy, we can help both platforms and drivers get drivers on the road quickly and seamlessly. We are very excited about this partnership and delivering value to both Bolt and the drivers on its platform.”

INSHUR was founded in 2016 to modernise the commercial auto insurance sector. It was set out to change the inefficiencies in the traditional insurance sector by harnessing rich data to deliver a simple, fast and seamless experience to obtain commercial auto insurance, initially for New York’s Uber drivers, but quickly expanded its presence and products throughout the UK and Netherlands. Today, it is a highly rated provider of direct and embedded products in both the rideshare and last mile delivery markets.