
6 Weeks In: Tech Graduates Share Their Journey at INSHUR

Written by Victoria Wilson | Aug 28, 2024 4:06:28 PM

Originally published in our company-wide internal newsletter, here’s an introduction to two of our newest recruits:

As our tech graduates settle into their placements at INSHUR, we're catching up with them to reflect on their first six weeks with us. We wanted to hear about the lessons they've learned so far, how these early experiences are shaping their professional growth, and how they've found working with the team - whether through positive moments or overcoming challenges. We also asked what they’re most excited about as they continue their journey with us, from upcoming projects to new skills they’re eager to develop. Read on to see what they had to say! 🚀

Jamie Sage, Software Engineer

My story of the last 30 Deskbird bookings starts at the end of June. Walking back into 1 Jubilee Street felt so right. The last time I was here, the words ‘Will Code for Pizza’ sat boldly on my jumper. I was back. And I was ready to code for We Love Falafel, GAIL’s, Pompoko, and the kitchen fruit bowl.

First up were handshakes and virtual hellos, meeting the cast of this new chapter. Then, as every good story needs an antagonist, I was introduced to our codebase. In the following weeks, I picked up new tools for this gentle offensive, Javascript, GitHub, Postman, and scouted around the code to learn its habits and movements. Weeks 3 - 6 watched as I set free my first PRs. Firstly, streamlining the quote fee state change process on Policy Admin from 6 clicks to 2. And while yes that is in a very specific context, as a well-known supermarket chain has taught us, every little helps.

Feeling that I can rely on my team for full feedback on changes and quick answers to my questions has boosted my confidence in getting stuck in and making big updates to our services. So, as my workload becomes more interconnected and complex, the culture I have found here is of ears that are open to ideas, shoulders, and frameworks that are there to be leaned on during professional and personal struggles, and a plethora of smiling faces that sing a good morning chorus giving me confidence that this company is people-oriented and thus a great sandbox to keep learning and growing.

I’m looking forward to using new languages like Go and to becoming more proficient at the languages and frameworks I do know. I’m interested in discovering what curiosities sit in the garden of Go1, ready to be picked! This year I am open to taking on all types of projects, improving as a full-stack developer, and gaining a holistic understanding of our systems.

George Smith, Software Engineer

In my first six weeks at INSHUR, I’ve navigated our monorepo and engaged with various company applications, including the customer web interface and walletAPI. I had the opportunity to implement endpoints for walletAPI from scratch and began contributing to the Claims AI project. This diverse experience has significantly boosted my confidence as a developer, enhancing my ability to work with large, existing codebases alongside contributing to experimental and evolving projects.

Working with the INSHUR team has been an incredibly positive experience. I’m continually impressed by the friendliness and openness of everyone here, and the collaborative spirit across departments. The support from the pay team, in particular, has been invaluable in making my onboarding process smooth and effective.

I’m eager to dive deeper into backend development, particularly in refining my skills with APIs and Spring Boot, and exploring GoLang. Additionally, I’m excited to further my involvement in the Claims AI project, which I find both challenging and fascinating.


Interested in a career at INSHUR? Please see our open jobs page here!